Career and Technical Education Dual Credit Program
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Dual Credit Program allows students to earn both high school and college credits at the same time while taking classes at the high school.
- Tuition FREE!
- Earn college credit while still in high school
- Ease the transition to college
- Graudate from college early!
For Students and Parents
- Enroll in CTE Dual Credit eligible classes at your high school
- Register Online (SERS) to earn college credits. Follow steps on SERS Registration instruction
- Pass the classes at the high school with/above minimum grade requirements (varies by class)
- Shoreline's Enrollment office typically transcribe CTE Dual Credit during the summer/early fall for the school year ended in June.
- After CTE credits are transcribed, the Enrollment office will send an email to your
email address listed in SERS account, and let you know your credits are transcribed
- To change email address, log into SERS and go to “View/Edit Profile”
- If you need an Official transcript before September 1st, place an order from Transcript Requests page. Provide your SERS ID as your Student ID. Enrollment office will transcribe CTE credit first, and then process your official transcript request
To View/Print Unofficial transcript
- Find your College SID (ctcLink ID): Log into SERS and go to “View/Edit Profile”. College SID will be at the bottom of the page
- Activate your ctcLink ID at Shoreline: Go to ctcLink for Students and follow the instruction
- Go to Transcript Requests page and follow the steps to view/print Unofficial transcript
- College Credit earned through CTE Dual Credit creates a permanent college transcript, and high school class grades will become part of your college GPA.
- If you don’t want your CTE Dual Credit to be transcribed after registering classes in SERS, talk to your high school teachers before school ends, or contact (Deadline: June 30th).
- Once your credits are transcribed, we cannot delete them.
- The college credits earned through CTE Dual Credit may not transfer to institutions outside of the State’s community and technical college system. Transferability depends on the receiving institutions.
I accidentally registered for the wrong class/teacher. How can I change it?
Talk to your teacher or contact and we can make the change for you.
I forgot my Username/password for SERS. Can I create another account?
No, DON’T create another account! Contact and we can reset your setting. You will receive an email with a link to reset password and security questions.
You may also go to Recover Forgotten Username page or go to Password Recovery page.
Where can I find my SERS ID number?
Log into SERS and go to “View/Edit Profile”. SERS ID starts with TP followed by 7-digit number.
Can I get credit for my class from multiple colleges at the same time?
No. You cannot receive credit for the same class at multiple colleges. You must choose which college you would like to receive the credit from.
Is there any fee to receive CTE Dual Credit at Shoreline?
No, there is no fee. CTE Dual Credit program at Shoreline under Shoreline Consortium is a tuition free program. Fees may be required for credits earned through PNW College Credit Consortium before 2024-25 school year.
I took CTE Dual Credit eligible classes last year but didn't register in SERS. Can I register for those classes this year?
No. Students need to register for CTE Dual Credit in SERS during the same school year they take eligible CTE classes. Exceptions may apply. Contact
I registered for a class in SERS, but I don’t want to receive college credits. What should I do?
Talk to your high school teacher or contact before school ends, and we can delete/drop your registration in SERS. Deleting or dropping SERS registration will not affect your college GPA.
Will all of my CTE Dual Credit classes registered in SERS show up on my Shoreline Transcript?
No. Your Shoreline transcript will only show credits for classes that were articulated with Shoreline courses. You will need to order transcripts from each community/technical colleges for classes you took. View registration history in SERS to find out which college you earned the credits from.
Will CTE Dual Credit transfer to any college/university?
CTE credits will transfer within the Washington State community/technical colleges if applicable. Transferability of credit to four-year colleges depends on the receiving institution. Request an official transcript and send it to your college/university to see if your CTE credits could be transferred.
WA State Public Institutions Equivalency Guides:
Click on equivalency guides below to see how Shoreline credits may transfer (these lists are for reference only).
For School Districts and Teachers
- We don’t charge any fees to students or to school districts
- We removed the barrier of earning a “B” or better unless it is part of the college
requirements for advancement in the program.
- Most certificates and Prof-tech degrees at Shoreline require GPA of 2.0 (“C”) or better
- Shoreline faculty determine minimum grades for CTE Dual Credit articulations
- We strive to articulate courses that are degree requirements so that students graduate from high school will be already on their path to a certificate or degree
- High school teachers/School District CTE office reach out to Shoreline staff/faculty or vice versa
- District CTE office submits Articulation Request Form with supporting documents to
- Shoreline faculty review the articulation request
- Have a meeting between high school teachers and Shoreline faculty if needed
- Once it is determined that courses align (at least 80% match), Shoreline and school district sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) if we don’t have one yet
- Finalize a program articulation agreement. This should be signed by a high school teacher, CTE Director, Shoreline faculty and program Director or Dean (re-evaluate and sign every 3 years)
- Shoreline staff set up articulated classes in Statewide Enrollment and Reporting System (SERS), District staff and teachers will each receive a unique SERS Username for Shoreline Consortium
- Students must register for CTE Dual Credit articulated classes in SERS
- High school teachers must enter grades in SERS by June 25th or by the end of school year
- District users and teachers could have multiple SERS Usernames for each consortium
- Forgot SERS Username for Shoreline Consortium? Go to Recover Forgotten Username page
- Forgot your password? Go to Password Recovery page
- Contact for any problems or questions
- Shoreline's Enrollment office typically transcribe CTE Dual Credit for Shoreline Consortium during each summer/early fall
- Students receive emails from the Enrollment office that their transcripts are ready
- Students can order official transcripts from Transcript Requests page
Current Articulation Agreements
Shoreline is open to articulate with any of the Professional Technical Programs we offer.
Shoreline Consortium Partners
Bellevue School District | Edmonds School District |
Everett Public Schools | Lake Washington School District |
Marysville School District | Northshore School District |
Seattle Public Schools | Shelton School District |
Shoreline School District | Sno-isle Tech Skills Center |
Sumner-Bonney Lake School District | Walla Walla School District |