Student Accessibility Services
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) provides support and reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities attending classes both on campus and online. We work with students one-on-one to accommodate their academic and personal needs and help them get the most out of their time at Shoreline.
Please note that new accommodations will be approved only through Week Six for that quarter. Students can continue to set appointments to discuss accommodations to go into effect for their next quarter.
Contact us today or choose from the options below to learn more and get started.
Reasonable accommodations and modifications can be valuable tools for success in school. SAS can assist by providing, for example, the following accommodations:
- extra testing time and quiet rooms to help focus on exams
- audio and video captioning and alternative text formats
- assistance with notetaking in the classroom
- sign language interpreters
- assistance with campus access
- housing accommodations
- early registration for classes
- and more!
Students with apparent and non-apparent disabilities are eligible for services. Verification
of diagnosis is not required for academic accommodation, though it may be beneficial for students to provide this information to SAS. Documentation
is required for Housing accommodations.
Students must be currently enrolled at Shoreline Community College to apply for SAS
Examples of disabilities SAS has assisted with include, but are not limited to:
- learning disabilities
- vision and hearing disabilities
- mental health diagnoses
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- temporary physical disabilities (i.e. a broken leg)
Eligibility is evaluated both by Shoreline’s Policy 5114 and ultimately by SAS’s Program Specialist, who evaluates the students' self-report.
Access SAS Services
For students that are enrolled at Shoreline and would like to work with Student Accessibility Services, please complete the following steps:
- Fill out and submit the New Student Application
To complete the New Student Application, log into AIM's Application Center, SAS's online portal, using your Shoreline Network Account username and password.
Formal documentation verifying your diagnosis is not required for classroom accommodations. However, students are encouraged to provide all information that they have access to, as it will ultimately be beneficial for them as we will be able to serve them best with as much information as possible.
Log into AIM - Schedule a 50-minute Access appointment
An Access appointment allows you to talk with an SAS staff member about reasonable accommodations and/or services that address the barriers you are experiencing.
To schedule an Access appointment, log into your Student AIM Portal. On the left-hand side menu of your Dashboard you will see an option titled "My Appointments." Click this hyperlink. Then in the upper right corner click "Request Appointment." Choose the Access Specialist that SAS has told you is your assigned Specialist and provide best times to meet and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Do you need Housing Accommodations?
If you are solely seeking Housing Accommodations or Modifications, you need only submit a Residence Hall application, which you will find in the Application Center in the Student AIM Portal, which you will find in the. Students are required to provide documentation for Housing accommodations and must meet with an SAS Access Specialist.
Request Accommodations
If you are a current Shoreline student that is already registered with the SAS office, you must request your accommodations in your Student AIM Portal. New accommodation requests must be submitted every quarter.
Check out these instructions for how to request accommodations in AIM (Word). You will receive an email update from our office as things progress.
For some unique accommodations, you may also need to submit the appropriate forms for those specific accommodations.
Testing Accommodations
Students who have Testing Accommodations must submit an exam request in their AIM Portal. Exam room requests must be made a minimum of three business days before the requested test date.
Check out these instructions for how to submit an exam request in AIM (Word). You will receive an email update from our office as things progress.
Schedule an appointment
If you would like to meet with a SAS team member, request an appointment in your Student AIM Portal.
Once logged in, select My Success Network, click Services, then click Student Accessibility Services. Select 'Follow-up appointment' from the list of reasons for your appointment.
Instructors may access information about the students in their classes who have requested accommodations, upload exams, and more, through the Instructor AIM Portal. See faculty instructions for assisting students with disabilities in the For Faculty page.
- Contact or call (206) 546-4545
- If you're having difficulty accessing your Student AIM Portal, visit our online Support Center where you can find the answers to your questions or submit a request for additional assistance
Student Rights and SAS Policies
Student Rights & Responsibilities
Students have rights and responsibilities and SAS, as well as Shoreline Community College as a whole, is committed to recognizing these.
Shoreline Community College is committed to providing educational programs without regard to disabling conditions as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Reasonable accommodations will be made and no otherwise qualified individual with disabling conditions shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program, activity, or service administered by the college.
Student Accessibility Services Policies
- Policy 5114- Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (Shoreline Community College policy)
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 2008 (ADAAA) (A federal civil rights law prohibiting discrimination against individuals from discrimination, including in colleges.)
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (A federal civil rights law prohibiting discrimination against individuals with disabilities in programs that receive federal financial aid, such as FAFSA.)
- Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (Accessible electronic and information technology)
- City of Shoreline Non-Discrimination Policy
Apply for Student Accessibility Services!
Contact Us
Student Accessibility Services