Financial Aid Eligible Programs
In order to receive financial aid (federal and state grants, loans, workstudy), students must be enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate program. Students should make sure their Academic Plan is coded correctly in ctcLink. Below is a list of currently eligible programs that meet federal and state requirements, as well as those not eligible for financial aid.
Please Note: For basic student eligibility for aid, visit Federal Student Aid.
Programs Eligible for Financial Aid
Bachelor of Applied Science | Academic Plan |
Dental Hygiene | DEHDYBAS |
Associate Degree | Academic Plan |
Associate in Arts DTA | LASDTAA |
Associate in Arts Individual Plan | LTAAIAA |
Associate in Business DTA/MRP | BUCBUAA |
Associate in Computer Science DTA | CSACSAA |
Associate in Fine Arts - Photography | LTAFPAA |
Associate in Fine Arts - Studio Arts | LTAFSAA |
Associate in Music - Classical Piano | LTAMPAA |
Associate in Music - Classical Voice | LTAMVAA |
Associate in Music - Instrumental Music | LTAMIAA |
Associate in Applied Science-Transfer - Nursing | RENNUAAS |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Accounting | ATBACAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Audio Engineering Production | MUOAEAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Automotive Service Technician | AUMASAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Biotechnology Lab Specialist | BLTBLAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Business | BAMBUAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Business Administration - Marketing | MAMMAAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Business Intell & Data Analytics | BIAIDAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Clean Energy Technology | EVTCEAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Criminal Justice | CJLCJAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Dental Hygiene | DEHDHAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Digital Film Production | PVTDIAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Electronic Music Production | MUOEMAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Entrepreneurship | ENRENAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - General Business Administration | BAMGAAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - General Motors Auto Service Educ Prog (ASEP) | AUMGMAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Health Information Technology | HMRHIAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Honda Professional Automotive Career Training (PACT) | AUMHPAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Manufacturing/Machinist Technology | MATMMAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Mechatronics | IMMMEAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Medical Laboratory Technology | CLTMLAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Mopar College Automotive Program (MoparCAP) | AUMMCAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Music Business | MUMMBAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Music Performance | MUMMPAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Purchasing & Supply Chain Management | LMMPSAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - Toyota Technician Training and Education Network (T-TEN) | AUMTOAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - VCT: Animation/Video for Multimedia | AIVAMAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - VCT: Creative Project Management | DVCCPAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - VCT: Game Art & Design | AIVGAAPT |
Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences - VCT: Graphic Design | DVCGDAPT |
Associate in Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering AS-T/MRP | CHEBCAS |
Associate in Computer Engineering & Electrical Engineering AS-T/MRP | EECCEAS |
Associate in Construction Management DTA/MRP | CONCMAS |
Associate in Mechanical, Civil, Aeronautical, Industrial and Materials Science Engineering AS-T/MRP | MEEMCAS |
Associate in Pre-Nursing DTA/MRP | RENPNAS |
Associate in Science-Transfer AS-T - Bio/Envr/Chem/Geol/Earth AS-T1 | LRST1AS |
Associate of Science-Transfer AS-T - Engineerg/CS/Phys/Atmos AS-T2 | PHST2AS |
Certificate of Completion | Academic Plan |
Certificate of Completion - Biotechnology Lab Specialist | BLTBLC20 |
Certificate of Completion - Business Administration | BAMGAC |
Certificate of Completion - Business Administration - Marketing | MAMMAC20 |
Certificate of Completion - Business and Computing Fundamentals | AASBCC20 |
Certificate of Completion - Entrepreneurship | ENRENC20 |
Certificate of Completion - Health Data Analyst | HMRHAC20 |
Certificate of Completion - Health Information Foundations | HMRHFC20 |
Certificate of Completion - Principles of Precision Machining | MATPPC20 |
Certificate of Completion - Purchasing & Supply Chain Management | LMMPSC20 |
Certificate of Completion - Social Media Marketing | MAMSMC20 |
Certificate of Proficiency | Academic Plan |
Certificate of Proficiency - Accelerated Lab Technician Training | BLTLTC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - Accounting | ATBPAC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - Acting for Stage and Camera | PVTASC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - Automotive General Service (GST) Technician IBEST | AUMAIC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - Business Administration - Marketing | MAMMAC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - Clean Energy Technology | EVTCEC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - Entrepreneurship | ENRENC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - Business Administration | BAMGAC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - Manufacturing/ Machinist Technology | MATMMC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - Mechatronics | IMMMEC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - Medical Comprehensive Coding & Revenue Integrity Specialist | MISCRC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - Medical Laboratory Technology | CLTMLC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - Purchasing & Supply Chain Management | LMMPSC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - VCT: Foundation with Specialization | DVCFSC45 |
Certificate of Proficiency - Writing and Directing for the Camera | PVTWDC45 |
Programs Not Eligible for Financial Aid
The following programs are not eligible for most financial aid programs, mostly because they are not college level, do not count toward a degree, or are too short to qualify. However, some programs may be eligible for other sources of assistance, such as WorkForce Education funding.
Certificate of Completion | Academic Plan |
Certificate of Completion - Accounting Clerk * | ATBALC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable Clerk * | ATBAPC20 |
Certificate of Completion - Basic Manufacturing * | MATBMC20 |
Certificate of Completion - CAST Child Advocacy Studies | CJLCCC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Criminal Justice Advocacy | CJLCAC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Electric Vehicle Technician (TESLA) | AUMTEC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Essentials of Biomanufacturing* | BLTBMC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Foundations of Digital Audio: Pro Tools * | MUOFDC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Foundations of Electronic Music * | MUOFEC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Foundations of Multi-Track Recording * | MUOFMC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Foundations of Music Business * | MUMFMC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Logic: Digital Audio * | MUODAC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Machine Maintenance * | MATMAC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Microsoft Software Applications * | MIAMTC20 |
Certificate of Completion - Nursing Assistant Certified (I-BEST) | NAANBC01 |
Certificate of Completion - PARED: Parenting Skills | CHDPEC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Payroll Clerk * | ATBPCC20 |
Certificate of Completion - Pop & Commercial Music Theory * | MUOPCC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Project Management * | PRMPMC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Purchasing and Contact Management * | LMMPCC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Quality Assurance * | MATQAC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Supplier Relations and Logistics * | LMMSRC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Sustainable Business Leadership | BAMSLC01 |
Certificate of Completion - Tax Preparer * | ATBTPC01 |
Certificate of Completion - VCT: Art and Design Foundation * | DVCADC01 |
Certificate of Completion - VCT: Business Foundation * | DVCBFC01 |
Certificate of Completion - VCT: Computer Foundation * | DVCCFC01 |
Certificate of Completion - VCT: Computer Graphics Foundation * | DVCCGC20 |
Certificate of Completion - VCT: Digital Illustration/Animation Level II * | AIVDAC20 |
Certificate of Completion - VCT: Digital Photography Level II * | VICD2C01 |
Certificate of Completion - VCT: Digital Video * | VICDVC01 |
Certificate of Completion - VCT: Web Design * | DVCWDC01 |
Programs not eligible for Financial Aid | Academic Plan |
Continuing Education | CED |
English as a Second Language | ESL |
High School Diploma | HS_H2HSC |
High School Diploma | HS_HBHSC |
High School Diploma | HS_HCHSC |
High School Diploma | HSD |
High School Diploma | HS_INHSC |
High School Equivalent/GED | HSE |
Non-degree - Job upgrade | NASJU |
Non-degree - Other | NASOT |
Non-degree - Parent Education | NASPE |
PARED: Leadership Skills - ST | FCHLSC01 |
Pre-requisites for Dental Hygiene | DEHDHPRQ |
Pre-requisites for Health Information Technology | HMRHIPRQ |
Pre-requisites for Medical Laboratory Technology | CLTMLPRQ |
Pre-requisites for Nursing | RENNUPRQ |
Project Biotech Summer Camp | GESPBC00 |
Reading/Writing/Math Skills | ABE |
Undecided - Academic | UNDECLAC |
Undecided - Professional Technical | UNDECLPR |
Undecided - Transitional Studies | UNDECLTR |
*These certificate Academic Plans are not eligible as stand-alone programs. However, for students enrolled in the corresponding degree programs, the credits count for aid eligibility. Students should make sure their Academic Plan codes are correct in ctcLink.