Repeating a Course at Shoreline Community College

Students are allowed to repeat courses while they attend Shoreline Community College; however, there are limitations to this process, and we are here to provide guidance for when and how this is allowed.

  • Students can repeat courses to improve their skills, course grades, and their cumulative grade point average (GPA).
  • When students repeat a course, the college places a notation next to the original grade on the transcript.
    • Excluded means that the grade is not calculated into the GPA.
    • Included means that the grade is calculated into the GPA.
  • The original grade(s) remain on the transcript (if repeated), but are not included in the GPA calculation.

What are the rules for repeating a course?

The course repeat sign (R) is used for the same course taken at Shoreline Community College, and only for courses with a letter grade of A – F.

  • In keeping with state rules, the college uses the highest grade earned when determining a student’s GPA, regardless of whether it was the first or a later attempt.
  • Other schools may not accept the course repeat notation on a student’s transcript. To avoid problems, students should check with other schools prior to transferring their credits.

Students may not enroll in a course more than three times (3x), unless they are given exceptional approval by the Director of Advising.

  • For those enrolled in the Transitional Studies programs (ABE/ESL) courses, a student may repeat the same level/course twice (2x). If a student fails the second repeat attempt (3rd time they have attempted the course), they will need to meet with a Navigator to create an academic success plan. If they are approved for a fourth attempt, they will be dismissed from the program for one academic term/quarter and can re-apply thereafter.
  • This rule does not apply to non-credit community education courses.

Repeating a course may have an impact on your Financial Aid eligibility. Please connect with the Financial Aid office so that you may understand any impact that may occur if a course is repeated.

What happens after repeating a course?

  • If a student does not earn a higher grade:
    • If students earn a lower grade, the higher grade is kept in the GPA calculation and the lower grade receives the course repeat notation (Exclusion).
    • If students earn the same grade, the college excludes the original grade from the GPA calculation.  
  • Requesting the repeat notation
    • If the repeated course was originally taken Winter 2022 or earlier, students will need to request the repeat notation by submitting the Repeat Course Notice Request form.
    • If the coursework (both original and repeat) are taken Spring 2022 or later, the system will apply the repeat notation automatically and a request is not needed.

What if I need to take a course a 4th time?

Students cannot be reported for courses funded with state dollars if enrolled more than three times for the same course – this is defined as two repeats in addition to the original enrollment (Z, W, and NP grades are considered attempts). Students with extenuating circumstances may receive permission to enroll in a course for a 4th attempt, but they must first acquire approval from the Director of Advising. If a student wishes to petition for this approval, they will need to contact the Advising Department.

Contact Us

Enrollment Services

FOSS (5000) Building, Room 5200
(206) 546-4611
(206) 546-5835
See the College's operating hours