Strategic Plan Year 3 2026-2027


Goal A: Student Success and Academic Excellence: Create the condition for success for all students through high-quality, innovative, student-centered transfer and professional technical programs. 


Percentage Complete 

A3: Formulate comprehensive guidance to expand opportunities for Shoreline graduates to transfer to in-state and out-of-state colleges and universities. Establish new partnership agreements (e.g., TAG agreements, university visits, transfer fairs, and international 2+2 university transfer programs). 

 zero percentage

A5: Support strategies to achieve robust international student enrollment based on best practices for successful International Enrollment Management at a community college. 

 zero percentage

A6: Assess enrollment and retention patterns in all degree programs and identify those programs that merit additional investment and potential expansion based on economic and enrollment trends. 

 zero percentage

A8: Establish a dynamic class schedule model, based on student needs, and adopt an overarching approach that implements a systematic mechanism for timely collection of valuable feedback from individuals involved in student support roles (e.g., academic advisors), allowing for a comprehensive assessment rather than program-specific evaluation. 

 zero percentage

Goal C: Organizational Development, Systems, and Processes:
Strengthen Shoreline’s organization culture and create an inclusive and equitable work environment. 


Percentage Complete 

C5: Instill a culture and practice of cultural humility, inclusion and equity through continuous growth and improvement at the individual and department level through ongoing professional development (e.g., DEI/anti-racism training) for faculty, staff, the Board of Trustees, and students related to and aligned with one’s role at the College.  

 zero percentage

C6: Create inclusive physical, emotional, and mental spaces including but not limited to annual listening and feedback sessions to build trust among all affinity groups including faculty, administrators, classified staff, and students and conduct a College-wide DEIA climate assessment every five years. 

 zero percentage

C8: Implement a College-wide communication strategy that uses the most current data and demonstrates the College’s commitment to transparency and participatory decision-making. 

 zero percentage

C9: Identify opportunities for the Board of Trustees and College leadership to advocate for increased compensation within our State system. 

 zero percentage

Goal D: Facilities and Technology: Provide a welcoming environment with campus-wide accessibility for all students and employees. 


Percentage Complete 

D1: Ensure that all students and employees have adequate access to the technology they need, at home and on-campus, consistent with accessibility standards for all students to participate and succeed in online instruction based on student needs data (see Accessible Information Technology Policy 3811). 

 zero percentage

D2: Implement an ADA Access Plan based on a comprehensive accessibility audit of all physical structures and facilities, including but not limited to: ramps, push buttons, and sidewalks. 

 zero percentage

D3: Assess all aspects of the campus environment and update the College’s Capital Facilities and Maintenance Plan to ensure that current and projected academic program facility needs are met and that all physical and digital facilities are ADA-compliant, well-maintained, secure, replaced or upgraded, and provide a welcoming, inclusive, and sustainable environment for all. 

 zero percentage

D5: Create and launch an intranet platform for internal communications and resource sharing (e.g., SharePoint) 

 zero percentage

Goal E: Community Connections, Partnerships, and Collaboration: Build and sustain community and business partnerships.


Percentage Complete 

E5: Promote the value of a community college education as a viable path to further higher education and professional careers by celebrating the educational accomplishments of our students with prospective students and their families through traditional written and multi-media platforms. 

 zero percentage

E7: Maintain a strong presence at local community events, host more community-facing events on campus, and provide more opportunities for local community organizations and nonprofits to rent campus facilities. 

 zero percentage

Goal F: Enrollment Management and Fiscal Stability: Foster the conditions for long-term financial stability and resilience through forecasting, effective enrollment management, revenue-enhancement, and revenue diversification opportunities. 


Percentage Complete 

F3: Identify potential cost reduction opportunities and implement a plan for streamlining processes and procedures and eliminating redundancies. 

 zero percentage

F4: Create and implement a grant funding opportunities plan based on the College’s strategic priorities with set annual funding targets. 

 zero percentage

F5: Create and implement a plan for expanding contract education programs and partnership opportunities with local, regional, and global area businesses. 

 zero percentage