Adult Basic Education

Frequently Asked Questions about GED and ABE Classes

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Frequently Asked Questions about GED and ABE Classes

Yes, the classes have open enrollment until very late in the quarter. It has been observed, however, that students who enroll late in the quarter must work harder to improve their skills, especially if they have a deadline for completion. Therefore, it is advantageous to start the class as soon as possible.

Yes. The class is divided into two segments. One part of the class focuses on math skills and reading skills for math. Another part is devoted to writing and reading.

When students first enter the class, their math, writing and reading skills are assessed. While there is daily lecture for the entire class, time is also devoted to individualized study. That way students can focus on their specific skill needs and make progress at their own pace.  

When you are assessed at the beginning of the class, it will be determined if your skills are ABE level or GED level. As you continue your work during the quarter, it is possible that you will move into the GED level of work. Students who initially test into ABE level sometimes finish their GED during that quarter. Others sometimes need to take an extra quarter or two to complete their GED.

You may repeat it as many times as needed if you show progress every quarter. You and your teacher will decide what defines progress for you.

Yes. The ABE math class moves more slowly and is more individualized than math 060. You may also repeat ABE math several times as long as you are making progress with your math skills. Math 060 is suitable for students who just need a math brush-up and/or respond best to a formalized lecture/homework method of the teaching math. ABE math includes lecture and homework, but it is designed to meet a student's individual needs and students may not complete the whole spectrum of 060 math skills within one quarter.