Course Descriptions
- Accounting
- Adult Basic Education
- American Ethnic Studies
- American Sign Language
- Anthropology
- Art and Photography
- Art History
- Astronomy
- Automotive Technology
- Biology and Biological Sciences
- Business Administration
- Business Technology
- Career Education Options (CEO)
- Chemistry
- Chinese
- Cinema
- Clean Energy Technology
- Communication Studies & Journalism
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice
- Dental Hygiene
- Drama
- Early Childhood Education
- Economics
- Education
- Engineering and Engineering Technology
- English
- English as a Second Language
- Environmental Science
- Film/Video
- French
- GED Preparation
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Geography
- Geology
- Health Informatics & Information Management
- History
- History - East Asia
- Human Development
- Humanities
- Industrial Technology
- Informatics
- International Studies
- Japanese
- Learning Center North
- Library
- Machinist Training
- Manufacturing Technology
- Math
- Medical Laboratory Technology
- Multicultural Studies
- Music
- Music Technology
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Oceanography
- Parent Education
- Philosophy
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Study Skills
- Visual Communications Technology
All courses except contact sports are open to students of both sexes.
- It is recommended that students who register for Social Sciences Division courses successfully complete or concurrently enroll in English 101 or English 101A.
- Please refer to the Class Schedule for up-to-date listings. The College reserves the right to cancel classes and change class fees, times and dates at any time without notice.
- Degree Programs at Shoreline
Shoreline Community College offers a full range of courses to meet students' needs, including developmental studies, professional-technical preparation, lower-division transfer, and enrichment. These courses are described in the following section, listed in order by course number. The total credit hours for each course are listed in parentheses after the course title.
Many course descriptions include essential information such as prerequisites, grading options, and entry requirements. When choosing your courses, be sure to consider this information; it is provided to help you succeed.
The college constantly revises and updates its curriculum and may add new courses or make changes in existing course requirements during the span of this catalog. Please refer to the Quarterly Class Schedule, in print or online, for the most up-to-date course information.
In certain courses, writing in a specific discipline will be emphasized along with the subject matter associated with the title. A "W" after the course number means that writing is an integral part of the course. Writing instruction and feedback are provided. Writing grades enter into the determination of the grade for the course. ASSET placement at the English 101 level or completion of necessary developmental English or ESL courses in preparation for English 101 is required for registration in a "W" course. The Quarterly Class Schedule identifies the "W" courses offered.
The College reserves the option to amend, modify or revise any provision of this website for the following reasons, including but not limited to: a lack of funds to operate a program or course unavailability of instructors a change in administrative or Board of Trustees' policy a change in the laws, rules or regulations of the state of Washington that govern the operation of community colleges.