College Expectations
- Time Management:
o In addition to academic readiness, students must have the discipline and responsibility to handle independence and the fast pace of college classes.
o Most classes will cover the same amount of material in a 10-week quarter as one full year of high school. - Resource Navigation:
o Running Start students do have access to resources like tutoring, learning centers, counseling, and disability services. Learn more about these learning support services.
o If students are experiencing any challenges with courses or have any questions, you need to reach out to the Advising Center and speak with Running Start staff or advisor. - Student Responsibilities:
o The costs of college fees
o Textbooks
o Transportation
o Credits beyond what you are eligible for (i.e. beyond 15 credits) classes.
o Classes below College level.
** Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch or in foster care are eligible for fee waivers and textbook assistance. Contact the Running Start office for more information. - FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act):
o Due to FERPA there is limited parental access. Only students have access to their college grades and records. Parents/guardians may have access to the student’s records if an Authorization to Release Information form is on file. - Permanent College Record:
o All grades and withdrawals students earn at Shoreline Community College are part of the student’s permanent college record and high school transcript.
o Running Start students are subject to the same academic policy as all other Shoreline students.
o Participation in Running Start may impact future financial aid eligibility. Running Start students are not eligible for financial aid while in high school. However, if you continue college enrollment beyond high school at Shoreline Community College and wish to receive financial aid there are certain conditions that must be met.- Basic eligibility for federal and state financial is based on the FAFSA/WASFA aid application and other requirements including Satisfactory Academic Progress.
- Credits attempted and earned as a Running Start student are considered in the evaluation of Satisfactory Academic Progress and Maximum Time Frame (the length of time a student can receive aid). If you receive a “W” grade or below a quarterly GPA of 2.0, please stop by Advising Center and speak with an Advisor as well as contact your high school counselor to discuss your academic plan.
- We highly recommend students review the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy at Shoreline before starting Running Start classes.
- If you are graduating from high school and have not met Satisfactory Academic Progress during your Running Start year(s), and plan to continue your college enrollment after your graduation with financial aid assistance, you may need to take additional steps. Please speak with the financial aid office about your eligibility and whether you may need to submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal.
- If you plan to attend another college besides Shoreline, please refer to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy at that school.
- Students with questions about the effect of Running Start on their financial aid or scholarship eligibility should always check directly with the school’s admissions, financial aid, and scholarship offices.