Emergency Preparedness
Shoreline Campus Procedures
Once notified of a hostile intruder, Shoreline College Safety & Security Supervisor will ensure 911 has been contacted.
The Safety & Security Supervisor will then implement the Shoreline Community College Emergency Response Plan.
The college President will be notified and the College's Emergency Management Team will establish a command center and a communications center.
The Emergency Management Team will coordinate the campus response with the Shoreline Police Department. The Communications Team will coordinate internal and external communications using available campus resources and the media.
As a campus with unarmed officers our directive to the officers is to immediately contact the police and then help to evacuate any personnel from the immediate area IF they can do so without becoming a target. When the police department arrives we turn the command over to them and then assist in any way possible.
We encourage everyone to plan ahead for any emergency by reviewing Shoreline's:
Evacuation Plan Instructions and Map
Armed Intruder & Active Shooter Response
Infectious & Pandemic Diseases Procedures
Other helpful links:
- Department of Homeland Security's Ready Campaign
- Department of Homeland Security's Ready Campus
- Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- King County Emergency Management
- City of Seattle Emergency Management
- Washington State Emergency Management
- City of Shoreline Emergency Management
- King County Emergency Management's Make It Through Disaster Preparedness