Appeal a Citation


Individuals may be cited for traffic and parking violations committed while on campus including parking without a valid permit, parking in an unauthorized area, blocking a roadway, etc.

Students with unpaid fines will have a hold placed on their records, which prevents registering for classes and obtaining college transcripts or financial aid

Appeal Form

Citation Appeal Form

Under WAC 132G-116-285, all appeals must be made within five (5) working days of the date of the citation. After five (5) business days from the date of the citation, violator waives all right to appeal. For example, a citation received on a Tuesday may be appealed up until 4 p.m. the following Tuesday by submitting the appeal to the Safety & Security Office (Building 5000, Room 5102).

The appeal process is not meant for repeated mistakes or excuses for violations. Parking without a permit, parking in life safety or signed areas, visitor lot parking, or providing false information or testimony will stand as a violation.

Prior appeals for the same/similar violation are considered and, per the WAC, the supervisor is authorized to let stand, suspend, or impose a lessor fine. Unpaid citations are sent to an outside collections agency.

The appeal process

  1. File an appeal within five (5) business days by providing:
    • A completed citation appeal form (be concise; brief but descriptive.)
    • A photocopy of the citation you received
    • A photocopy of your photo ID (driver's license or student ID)

      Submit these three items in person, by mail, or fax:
      Shoreline Community College

      Safety & Security
      Room 5102
      16101 Greenwood Ave. N.
      Shoreline, WA 98133
      Fax: (206) 546-6909

      Please Note: If sending your appeal in by fax, please ensure the copy of your photo ID comes through clear and easy to see.

  2. Check on the results. Allow five (5) working days after submitting the appeal to check on the results. The Director of Safety and Security has the final authority in fines of $100 or less. It is the appellant's responsibility to contact the Security Office in the 5000 building (Room 5102) or by calling 206-546-4633, for the results of the appeal. We do not contact you.

  3. If you disagree with the results of an appeal, request an appointment with the Security Sergeant.

  4. If you wish to further contest the decision, request an appointment with the Security Director.

  5. For contested fines greater than $50, the appellant may appeal the Director of Security's decision to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs within ten (10) working days of the citation date. The appellant must make an appointment to see the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs by calling 206-546-4651. The decision of the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs in any appeal is final.