How to apply to Medical Lab Technology

COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements for Health Occupation Students

All students in health occupation programs are required to be vaccinated for COVID-19, including Nursing, Nursing Assistant Certified, Dental Hygiene, and Medical Laboratory Technology. Only medical exemptions will be reviewed and are not guaranteed acceptance by clinical facilities.

Beginning Winter 2023, we will only accept fully online lab courses during the period of Spring 2019 to Fall 2022. Before and after the timeframe, lab classes must have an in person component.

Admission to the Medical Lab Technology program includes going through an application process. MLT faculty will work with applicants to ensure that the process is clear.

Applications are accepted once annually in advance of each Fall quarter, from February 10 - May 10. Students are notified of admission to the MLT Program by June 30.

Application Fee: $25 by check or money order payable to “Shoreline Community College” (non-refundable).


Information Sessions

Information sessions occur on Zoom every 3rd Thursday of the month from 4-5pm PST. Please use this Zoom link to access


Selection Requirements

Selection is based on a point system. Points are awarded for prerequisite science courses that have been completed at the time of application and work experience or additional bonus courses.  The number of students accepted into the MLT Program depends upon the number of clinical training sites and complete training rotations. A student will train in the following areas:  Hematology, Chemistry, Microbiology, and Phlebotomy. 

One or two alternate students may be appointed during the selection process. If an opening becomes available, the alternate will be notified by September 10.


Upon selection, applicants will be given information regarding MLT Program requirements such as a Criminal History background check, Healthcare Provider CPR card, and vaccination requirements. These credentials are NOT required to be submitted at the time of application.

The faculty in the MLT department has a responsibility for the welfare of students enrolled in the program, for patients affected or treated by students in the program and for staff working in the program. The MLT department has established minimum essential requirements that must be met, with or without reasonable accommodation, in order to participate in the program and graduate. The MLT department does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, age, or disability.

Candidates for admission into the clinical laboratory technician program must possess abilities and skills in these areas including: 1) observation 2) communication in English, 3) motor function 4) intellectual, conceptual, integrative and quantitative abilities and 5) behavioral and social skills. Reasonable accommodation can be made for some disabilities in these areas, but a candidate must be able to perform in a reasonably independent manner. Each applicant to the program must attest that they can meet the abilities and skills listed below before entry into the program.

  1. Observation - An applicant must have the ability to participate actively in classroom demonstrations, lectures, student laboratory, and clinical practicum sessions. He/she must have the ability to see projected images and discriminate color variations in slide and computer format, as well as under a microscope.
  2. Communication - The applicant must be able to communicate in English with instructors, fellow students, patients, and other members of the health care team. He/she must be able to write and transmit information clearly, accurately, and efficiently.
  3. Motor Function - The applicant must have sufficient motor function to perform a variety of basic and advanced laboratory testing. These may include manipulation of a variety of pipettes, microscopes, phlebotomy equipment, laboratory equipment, and supplies.
  4. Intellectual, Conceptual, Integrative and Quantitative Abilities - The applicant must be able to master basic science and clinical laboratory information presented in lecture and laboratory curriculum. He/she must also be able to measure, calculate, reason, analyze, evaluate and synthesize laboratory information / data. Problem solving and interpretation of patient laboratory data is critical to all laboratory practitioners. The applicant must be able to decide when to seek supervisory help in a clinical setting.
  5. Behavioral and Social Skills - The applicant must be able to exercise good judgment in the lecture, laboratory, and clinical settings. He/she must be able to complete tasks on time in a mature, sensitive, and effective manner with instructors, coworkers, patients, and other members of the health care team. He/she must be able to work under both routine and increased workload situations, prioritize tasks, and make correct judgments with regards to patient results. Applicants must be flexible with scheduling and be able to adapt to changing environments in the laboratory. Other professional attributes may include dependability, self-motivation and initiative, maturity, confidentiality and concern for others.

These technical standards identify the requirements for admission, retention, and graduation of applicants and students in the program. I certify that I have read and understand the Shoreline Community College MLT Program's Essential Skills Requirements for admission and that I meet each of them, with or without reasonable accommodation.


For AAAS degree program

Credit in the physical sciences must have been earned within the past five years. Exceptions may be made on an individual basis.

For Certificate of Proficiency

Students must have an Associate or Bachelor’s degree or higher and meet the MLT prerequisite courses; proof of current Healthcare Provider (CPR & AED) and ENGL& 101 or equivalent.

Prerequisite Sequence

Follow prerequisite course sequence:
English Sequence:  ENGL& 101 
Math Sequence:  MATH 146
Science Sequence:  CHEM& 121, BIOL& 211 and CHEM& 131, BIOL& 260, BIO 170

The MLT Program Course Equivalence Chart lists courses that meet these requirements if taken at other Washington state Community and Technical Colleges. MLT Faculty can evaluate transcripts for college courses not listed in the MLT Program Course Equivalency chart.


Application Process

  1. Apply to Shoreline Community College to receive a student ID & PIN number. 
  2. Apply to the MLT program 

    Download the application

MLT Program application checklist

Check off items as completed and submit with application.

  • I attended an MLT Program Information Meeting on date _____ 
  • MLT Program Application form and application fee submitted.  
  • Application Fee: check or money order for $25 payable to “Shoreline Community College” (non-refundable). Applications will not be accepted without an application fee payment. 
  • Unofficial Shoreline Community College transcripts are included  
  • Official transcripts from other US college(s) and FIS or WES transcripts are included. Transcripts sent to the MLT Program and Shoreline Community College Admissions must be received by the application deadline, May 10. 
  • Photocopy of placement test scores, if English and/or math courses are not on a college transcript.  
  • Course Substitution Waiver form(s) is/are included in the application packet. If prerequisite courses are taken at another college and not listed on the MLT Program Equivalency Grid, then submit a Course Substitution Waiver (CSW) form. The CSW form must be completed prior to application. Unofficial transcripts and course description can be submitted with the Course Substitution Waiver form. 
  • Spring registration for currently enrolled course at another college is included. We will be able to check Shoreline Community College spring enrollment. 
  • Two completed Recommendation Forms: one recommendation must be from an instructor, the second recommendation may be from an instructor, personal, or professional reference. Return forms to the MLT Program. If a Recommendation Form is given to the applicant, it must be received in a sealed envelope with the references' signature on the sealed envelope flap. 
  • Completed Employment Verification Form. Form is returned to the MLT Program. If Employment Verification Form is given to the applicant, it must be received in a sealed envelope with the employers' signature on the sealed envelope flap.

Once accepted into the program, the following documents will need to be submitted

  • Criminal History Background check: Required upon appointment acceptance into the MLT Program.  If a criminal history is determined, then appointment acceptance is withdrawn. 
  • Medical Insurance: Injury medical insurance coverage is the minimum required for clinical practicum training, and major medical insurance is recommended.  
  • Liability insurance: Included in the tuition for practicum training courses. 
  • Current CPR certificate: Healthcare Providers with CPR and AED training is required.
  • Vaccinations and TB skin test(s): Vaccinations must be current and include: 
    • Hepatitis B series:  series of three vaccination at day 1, 1 month, and 6 months, or immune titer 
    • MMR:  2 vaccinations or immune titer 
    • Tdap:  current within the last 10 years.   
    • PPD skins test/TB test:  Performed annually. Two Step testing required if annual testing not performed in the last two years.    
    • Additional vaccination(s) may be required by some clinical facilities
      • Influenza
      • Varicella
      • COVID-19