Math Sequence
To see the course descriptions and objectives of each course, visit Courses.
Shoreline has several different math course pathways. We want you to take the right math course(s) for your plan of study.
The flow chart below shows the complete math course pathways. However, most students start their pathway somewhere in the middle.
For help deciding which pathway is right for you, please talk with an advisor.
For help deciding where you should start along your math pathway ("Placement"), you can contact Math Advising by emailing
Want to improve your placement? Then the two-unit MATH 7 course might just be the class for you.
For most STEM degrees and some Business degrees, the complete pathway through calculus
ABE MATH > MATH 99 with support > MATH& 141, possibly with support > MATH& 142 > MATH&
151 > MATH& 152 > MATH& 163.
We have additional higher-level math courses you may need to take.
For some Business degrees, the complete pathway through calculus is:
ABE MATH > MATH 99 with support > MATH& 141, possibly with support, or MATH 111 >
MATH& 148.
For most degrees that require statistics, the complete pathway is:
ABE MATH > MATH& 146, possibly with support.
Note that some STEM or Business majors may be required to take MATH 211 instead, which has a calculus prerequisite.
For most degrees that require only one Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning course, we
recommend this complete pathway:
ABE MATH > MATH& 107, possibly with support.