Dental Clinic

Dental Clinic relocated to the University of Washington

The Shoreline Community College Dental Clinic has partnered with the University of Washington School of Dentistry and all clinical services are now available at UW's Montlake campus in Seattle. See below to schedule an appointment.

For more information about the transition and directions to the School of Dentistry, please see our Patient Letter.

The Shoreline Community College Dental Clinic is a non-profit clinic in partnership with the University of Washington School of Dentistry. Our advanced students provide quality care with direct supervision from registered dental hygienists and licensed dentists, and offer a range of services at reduced cost.

Make an appointment


By Phone

Call our Patient Services Coordinator at (206) 546-4711

Visit see all available services, pricing, and directions to the UW Montlake campus.

Shoreline Dental Clinic

Partnership with the University of Washington

In 2021, the Shoreline Dental Hygiene program partnered with the University of Washington (UW) School of Dentistry, moving the Clinic to the UW Montlake campus in Seattle. The partnership allows Shoreline dental hygiene students to expand their skills and offer additional dental services, all while providing the same quality patient-centered care. 

Services available include Shoreline’s traditional dental hygiene services, such as x-rays, deep cleanings, sealants, and fillings, which complements the advanced dental care offered by the UW School of Dentistry, including crowns, bridges, dentures, root canals, and extractions.

To learn more about all services offered, visit

Please Note: The educational environment contains multiple latex products and exposure to potential blood borne pathogens and that all treatment conforms to current infection control standards as designated by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).