Strategic Plan Year 4 2027-2028


Goal A: Student Success and Academic Excellence: Create the condition for success for all students through high-quality, innovative, student-centered transfer and professional technical programs. 


Percentage Complete 

A5: Support strategies to achieve robust international student enrollment based on best practices for successful International Enrollment Management at a community college.  


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A6: Assess enrollment and retention patterns in all degree programs and identify those programs that merit additional investment and potential expansion based on economic and enrollment trends. 


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Goal C: Organizational Development, Systems, and Processes: Strengthen Shoreline’s organization culture and create an inclusive and equitable work environment. 


Percentage Complete 

C9: Identify opportunities for the Board of Trustees and College leadership to advocate for increased compensation within our State system.   

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Goal E: Community Connections, Partnerships, and Collaboration: Build and sustain community and business partnerships.


Percentage Complete 

E5: Promote the value of a community college education as a viable path to further higher education and professional careers by celebrating the educational accomplishments of our students with prospective students and their families through traditional written and multi-media platforms. 



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E7: Maintain a strong presence at local community events, host more community-facing events on campus, and provide more opportunities for local community organizations and nonprofits to rent campus facilities. 



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Goal F: Enrollment Management and Fiscal Stability: Foster the conditions for long-term financial stability and resilience through forecasting, effective enrollment management, revenue-enhancement, and revenue diversification opportunities. 


Percentage Complete 

F3: Identify potential cost reduction opportunities and implement a plan for streamlining processes and procedures and eliminating redundancies. 




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F4: Create and implement a grant funding opportunities plan based on the College’s strategic priorities with set annual funding targets. 




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F5: Create and implement a plan for expanding contract education programs and partnership opportunities with local, regional, and global area businesses. 



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